University Textbook Special

College Student Instructions
Ordering Instructions (must be completed by the student, not a parent or third party)
Step 1
Explore the
Products that make up the Drama Works! Teaching System to help you decide which combination you wish to order. You must order at least the minimum combination required by your professor. You may choose to order more, however, and receive additional discounts based on bundled pricing. Plus you save more by not paying additional shipping at a later time.
Title: Drama Works! Digital/Print Package
Price: $169.95
Bundle Savings (included in list price): $10
Student Price: $99.95
Student Savings: $70.00 (total savings $80.00)
Package Includes: Single Teacher License for Drama Works! Online (1yr digital access) + 1 Companion Book of Lesson Plans
Title: Drama Works! Complete System
Price: $299.95
Bundle Savings (included in list price): $30
Student Price: $229.95
Student Savings: $70.00 (total savings $100.00)
Package Includes: Single Teacher License for Drama Works! Online (1yr digital access) + 1 Companion Book of Lesson Plans + 1 Creativity Cards + 1 Vocabulary Cards
Step 2
Click Add to Cart for the product(s) or bundle you wish to order, then click View Cart.
Step 3
Copy and paste the coupon code provided by the course instructor into the field Enter Coupon Code, then click Apply Coupon. The coupon will only apply if you have the required minimum combination in your cart. For example, if the Digital/Print Package is required and you try to order only Drama Works! Online or the Companion Book of Lesson Plans, then the coupon will not work. You can order a larger combination (e.g., the Complete System instead of the Digital/Print Package) or add components to your minimum required order (e.g., Digital/Print Package plus the Creativity Cards) and the coupon will still work. This gives you the opportunity to save more money with bundle discounts (the Complete System has a $30 bundle discount included in the list price) and not have to pay additional shipping by ordering other components of Drama Works! Teaching System at a later time. The coupon can only be used one time per student (for a completed order).
Step 4
Click Proceed to Checkout and enter the billing and shipping information. Billing address must be the same as the billing address for the chosen credit card. Be sure to verify that the shipping address is entered correctly, including Zip+4 if needed (e.g., 90250-1848). You will be charged for shipping again if you gave us an incorrect, incomplete, or invalid shipping address. Please enter all information with correct capitol letters where needed as in:
John Doe
275 West Baker Blvd. Apt. 5
Charleston, South Carolina 29401-3538
Step 5
Enter your chosen Username and Password. This is what you will use to login to Drama Works! Online and access the digital curriculum after you complete your order. Make a note of your username and password and store in a secure location. Usernames cannot be changed at a later time. For security, passwords should be at least 12 characters and include a mix of lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols. You may be prompted to increase the complexity of your password if it appears too weak. Passwords can be changed at any time. Passwords are case sensitive and must be entered as an exact match.
Step 6
Complete the required Additional Information fields. This must be information about the student, not a parent or third party completing the order for the student. If you do have a current teaching position, fill in that information, otherwise you can enter N/A. Be sure to include your professor's name under Specific Name of Above Referral Source. Your information is used to verify eligibility for the college student discount and match orders to the correct course. We do not share any of your personal information with anyone else (
Privacy Policy).
Most college students can fill in the fields as follows:
Job Title: College Student
School/Organization: [your college/university (e.g., Pepperdine University)]
School District: N/A
Subject(s) You Currently Teach: N/A
Grade Level/Ages You Currently Teach or Work With: N/A
Which of the Following Best Describes You? College Student
How Did You Hear About Drama Works? Other
Specific Name of Above Referral Source: [your professor's name (e.g., Professor Susan Bakersfield)]
Step 7
Select your method of payment. To pay by credit card, click next to Credit Card. Your card information is safe with our SSL secure processing (we accept Visa, Master Card, American Express, and Discover cards). Double-check that your numbers are entered correctly. To pay by check, click next to Offline Order and follow the instructions to pay by check. College students cannot use the purchase order option.
Step 8
Read and accept the terms of the License Agreement, then check the box indicating you have done so.
Step 9
Click Place Order button to complete your order. If you paid by credit card, you will be able to login to Drama Works! Online digital curriculum immediately. If you pay by check, you will not be able to access the digital curriculum until we receive and deposit your check and copy of your order receipt.
Shipping, Taxes, and Other Notes
Shipping charges are added to your cart during checkout.
Tax is only applied if your delivery address is in California.
Allow up to two weeks from receipt of payment for print products to ship to your location.
Access to Drama Works! Online will be granted as soon as payment is received (immediately if paying by credit card, when check is received and deposited if paying by check).
Returned checks are subject to a $25 fee.
Student error in not following the ordering instructions or that requires customer service time from us will result in a deduction from the coupon discount amount.
Login Instructions
Step 1:
Go to and click on the Login button in the top right corner.
Step 2:
Enter your username and password and click the Login button.
Step 3:
Read and agree to the License Agreement, then click “save all changes”.
Step 4:
You will be on the Welcome page for Drama Works! Online and can now access the entire digital curriculum with point and click browsing.
Login Credentials Reminders
- Store your login credentials in a secure location
- You can change your password, but not your username
- Passwords are case sensitive and must be entered exactly the same as created
- You can login from any internet capable device (phone, tablet, laptop, computer, etc.)
- Do not share your login credentials with others; shared logins can trigger a security freeze on the account, denying access
- If you don't remember or lose your password, click on Forgot your password? and follow instructions for creating a new one
Single Teacher License Agreement for Drama Works! Teaching System
Drama Works! Teaching System does not work the same way as a typical course book that can be shared, resold, or returned after being opened. The program contains software that is licensed for your use, but cannot be transferred, shared, resold, or returned. You may not share, copy, or resell any part or product of the Drama Works! Teaching System (digital or print versions) with another college student, teacher, or individual. Copyright law protects intellectual property from being illegally copied or distributed. The digital component (Drama Works! Online) includes a Single Teacher License for use by one individual only. The print components (Companion Book of Lesson Plans, Creativity Cards, and Vocabulary Cards) cannot be returned once opened and cannot be shared with or resold to another student (including after the course is completed). The special discounted pricing offered by the publisher is only valid when the program is required for the course and each student purchases his or her own personal copy/license.
Each Single Teacher License allows access to Drama Works! Online for one college student or teacher only. It includes access from any internet capable device (such as computer, tablet, or smartphone) via username and password. The licensed user may read, project, and/or print material as often as needed for use by that individual only. The license cannot be shared with or used by any other teacher, college student, or individual. Sharing one’s username and password with another student/individual is illegal and can trigger a security freeze, and may result in account access being suspended or terminated without refund. Read the full terms of the License Agreement.
Drama Works! Online access will last for one year, then need to be renewed for continued access. You will also be able to renew and rejoin at a later time even if you do not renew right away (provided you keep your account information and email address current if/when they change). This gives you the opportunity to reconnect with us once you have a teaching job after college. Print components (Companion Book of Lesson Plans, Creativity Cards, and Vocabulary Cards) are purchased once and owned forever (but cannot be returned, resold, or given to another student or individual).
Please respect Copyright law that protect intellectual property and help us be able to continue to offer the discounted pricing to students in the future. We can only do this when all students order their own copy and do not share or resell to others.